Bennett brings to you…

APG Studio - DO IT NOW!

As a person who has been known to procrastinate I have found the “Do It Now” print to be quite helpful in spurring me to action.

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been considering putting something off only to see a strategically placed “Do It Now” staring at me.

This, combined with the colour combos it’s available in, make it one of my favourite APG prints. Cop yours today to be spurred to action too.


APG Works Original // Do It Now (various colours)
from £35.00

43 x 43cm (framed size) // 2 colour hand-pulled screen print

Colour options:

Pink & Purple
Yellow & Blue
Orange & Teal
Blue & Red

Fedrigoni Freelife Vellum 270gsm

Numbered, includes studio signature & APG chop

Each print can be framed in a choice of complementing colour, or in a black or white frame.


Polly brings to you…


Rupert brings to you…